Сообщений: 5
Оценки: 0
Присоединился: 2011-02-24 06:31:21.210000
Доброго времени суток. Подскажите как быть с такой проблемой. Система : Ubuntu 10.04 SQL: PostgreSQL со всеми библиотеками, ключая pgAdmin III Framework 3.5 при выборе драйвера ДБ (db_driver) выдает следующее:
[*] No Active Driver
[*] Available:
[*] DB Support: Enable the sqlite3 driver with the following command:
[*]$ gem install sqlite3-ruby
[-] Note that sqlite is not supported due to numerous issues.
[-] It may work, but don't count on it
[*] DB Support: Enable the mysql driver with the following command:
[*] $ gem install mysql
[*] This gem requires mysqlclient headers, which can be installed on Ubuntu with:
[*] $ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
[*] DB Support: Enable the postgresql driver with the following command:
[*] * This requires libpq-dev and a build environment
[*] $ gem install postgres
[*] $ gem install pg # is an alternative that may work
В чем может быть проблема? Хотя сервер запустил
sudo /etc/init.d/postghes start
.....start [OK]